Many moons ago, as I splashed around in a Parisian fountain full of people, The Eiffel Tower waved “hello” to me. I stood under it and looked up, admiring its size and the way each piece of metal had to come together to create such an architectural wonder. At night, I stood on its crown and gazed out into the City of Lights. The Eiffel Tower still holds a piece of my heart, a piece I gave it willingly, so many years ago. This pair of dazzlers are made in the image of that beautiful structure. The filigree elements carry the essence of old Paris and the glimmering teardrops cast light in infinite directions.
This classic, shimmering black pair is elegance personified. As versatile as they are, it’s a virtual certainty that these will be the pair you reach for most often. From work attire to cocktail dresses to jazzed up denim, these pretties will come through for you.
Approximately 2.5” in length.
Made of lead and nickel compliant fishhook ear wires.
Ready to ship in 1 to 3 business days.